The two sponsors of the Competence Network
The Institute for the Situational Approach focuses on education in the early years and is an offshoot of the International Academy Berlin (INA gGmbH). It was founded in 1996 to further develop and disseminate the situational approach in theory and practice. The Department for Children’s Worlds (Fachstelle Kinderwelten) concerns itself with one particular area of research within the Institute for the Situational Approach: since 2011, it has been developing and fostering prejudice-aware education (Vorurteilsbewusste Bildung und Erziehung©) in pre-school centres and primary schools. This represents an extension of the situational approach to include diversity awareness, adultism critique and anti-discrimination.
The German Children’s Fund has been working to support children’s interests in Germany for around 50 years. Children’s rights – incorporated into German law in 1992 – underpin the work of this charity organisation which seeks to promulgate and enforce children’s rights in society and in politics. The Department of Children’s Rights Education (Fachstelle Kinderrechtebildung) of the German Children’s Fund is primarily concerned with the development and realisation of strategies, policy and initiatives in the field of children’s rights-based education for democracy.